Practical Adaptability


The outlined results of the scientific research can be exploited in refineries, oil storage tank farms, power stations, chemical plants, petrol stations, etc.

The automatic and autonomous extinguishing equipment can be relied on under extreme conditions (lacking water, energy supply or operator).

The main benefit lies in its environmental awareness. Also this is the most efficient strategy to extinguish the rim seal fire of large storage tanks with floating roof adapting either the fixed or the mobile foam supply.

There are more than 30 references built already.


Technical information

FoamFatale™ system eliminates the limitations of conventional systems. The concept of this new technology is that perfectly prepared foam is stored under pressure in a vessel. On release of the foam from the vessel, expanded foam is formed at the location where the expansion takes place. The patented system is called "Self-Expanding Foam" system (SEF®).

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R&D Background

During several years of research our goal was to introduce a method of creating effective, environmentally safe fire fighting technology for storage tank fires in extreme circumstances (lack of water, lack of energy supply and human resources, plus extreme weather conditions). As a ground principle of redefining tactical instructions we intruduced the FoamFatale™ system to decrease burning time significantly.

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Live test

Click on View Video button to watch the tank fire extinguishing demonstration video.

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FoamFatale™ | Practical Adaptability

Practical Adaptability


The outlined results of the scientific research can be exploited in refineries, oil storage tank farms, power stations, chemical plants, petrol stations, etc.

The automatic and autonomous extinguishing equipment can be relied on under extreme conditions (lacking water, energy supply or operator).

The main benefit lies in its environmental awareness. Also this is the most efficient strategy to extinguish the rim seal fire of large storage tanks with floating roof adapting either the fixed or the mobile foam supply.

There are more than 30 references built already.


Technical information

FoamFatale™ system eliminates the limitations of conventional systems. The concept of this new technology is that perfectly prepared foam is stored under pressure in a vessel. On release of the foam from the vessel, expanded foam is formed at the location where the expansion takes place. The patented system is called "Self-Expanding Foam" system (SEF®).

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R&D Background

During several years of research our goal was to introduce a method of creating effective, environmentally safe fire fighting technology for storage tank fires in extreme circumstances (lack of water, lack of energy supply and human resources, plus extreme weather conditions). As a ground principle of redefining tactical instructions we intruduced the FoamFatale™ system to decrease burning time significantly.

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Live test

Click on View Video button to watch the tank fire extinguishing demonstration video.

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